The Rise of the Alliance:

2120: Earth is suffering from overpopulation and nearing total ecological collapse. Corporate entities and politicians come under fire from massive riots and organized militant sects alike. Some cry justice, others cry slaughter. Either way, very few are in a safe enough place to think deeply on the subject.

2125: “The Euphoria Project” is passed through the United Nations, the entire world is united, briefly in cooperation to save the planet.

2150: “The Euphoria Project” is a success; Earth becomes united into one colossal megalopolis named Euphoria, with powerful atmosphere processors to keep the planet habitable. For now, the Earth has solved its pollution problems.

2176: Humanity experiences first contact. A race of carbon life forms that have evolved similarly to humanity send an exploratory probe containing information about their culture deep into space, and it lands on Earth. The only information we can decipher is a location, somewhere outside our solar system.

2178: Humanity experiences a breakthrough in space travel, the ability to jump across countless light-years by generating controlled gravity. A single prototype craft loaded with this technology jumps to the coordinates mentioned in the probe and discovers the home world of the probe’s crafters. The craft is recovered by these beings and plans for a second rendezvous are made for peaceful negotiations.

2180: Representatives from both humanity and the “Basts” (named for the closest translation of the name of their homeworld: “Bastion Primaris,”) meet for the first time on the first true starship constructed by humanity, the HMS Dauntless. Translators from both parties manage to roughly get meaning across through studying information that had been exchanged beforehand. An agreement is made to share cultural knowledge and eventually translate the two languages.

2210: Again the two parties meet, in the time between meetings both parties have managed to get a rough understanding of each other’s language. More serious negotiations are made, trade deals, research agreements, and the exchange of people between the two planets for the sake of exploration and cultural understanding.

2240: Earth is again becoming overpopulated, both from its own population and from Bastian immigrants and Bastion Primaris is suffering from a similar plight; another meeting is called between the two races. Decades of peace and exchange of people has forged trust between the two, an agreement to integrate all knowledge and research between the two is struck and the two work together to colonize and explore the known galaxy. By this point, it has been discovered that through extensive gene therapy, humans and Basts are capable of interbreeding.

2270: A massive colonization effort has taken place and both Humans and Basts have touched the very edges of the galaxy. Colonies now pepper the galaxy here and there, and more are being established every day.

2274: A bill is proposed to dissolve the governments of Earth and of Bastion Primaris and form one unified government to protect the new colonies and the home worlds of both races. By this point the two cultures have rubbed off on each other to the point they are sometimes difficult to distinguish, the two races are still distinct, but they share many traits and genes. There is a general feeling of brotherhood between the two races. The bill is knocked down at first, but the idea remained.

2280: A new version of the bill is passed and the two races unite to form the Galactic Liberty Alliance, new government and law is established and a golden age of peace and prosperity begins for Humanity and Bast alike.

2750: After centuries of peace the outer colonies of the Alliance begin to feel oppressed, forgotten and left at the edge of space and exploited for their valuable minerals. A massive rebellion begins to brew and GLA high command prepares to retaliate. Before intervention is necessary, the rebellion mysteriously goes dark. GLA high command decides not to approach the outer colonies officially, and reconnaissance mission reports are confusing and inconclusive. The ore continues to flow, no complaint is raised.

2790: The outer colonies demand independence and now refer to themselves as “The Conjunction.” Not wanting to escalate the conflict, their request is granted on the condition that they remain a protectorate of the Alliance and continue selling their ore.

2830: The Conjunction demand total surrender of the Alliance, threatening war should their request be denied. The Alliance denies their request and stations fleets near each of the colonies.

2835: In a massive offensive using unknown alien technology The Conjunction seizes control of over 20 colony worlds establishing their own dominion and annihilates the GLA fleets stationed to stop them. The Alliance declares war.

2885: Present year, the war has raged back and forth for fifty years, neither side seeming to have any clear advantage. Intelligence has been almost impossible to acquire, for the most part, The Conjunction remains an enigma…